The Amazon Rain Forest (scroll down below)

Environment Matters

The Amazon Rain Forest

Many of us are greatly concerned and distressed about the wholesale destruction of the Amazon Rain Forest caused by big banks and capitalism.

We really need the Indigenous people more than ever to protect our last remaining eco-systems that preserve life on this planet.

However it is not true that the Amazon Rain Forests are needed to supply oxygen.

But we still need to preserve this extremely important ancient and full of rich life eco-system for numerous reasons because the forests still are needed to sink carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, the rich biodiversity can provide many medical and technological benefits, out of respect for God's creation, out of respect for Indigeneous people and animals and plants who live off the land there, and out of respect for life and ingenious survival skills and lovely biodiversity in general that is healthy for our planet and for our people and for learning about life.

This page last updated on 3/15/2020