Homelessness (see below)

Environment Matters


When people look down on the homeless as being lazy, good-for-nothing people, they are usually wrong. Most homeless people are victims of unlucky circumstances or have disabilities where often their families have turned their backs on them or are too much at a poverty level to help them. It often doesn't make sense for everyone to clamour for the solution to homelessness to try to indoctrinate everyone off the streets into the ranks of the low paid working class, just barely surviving off of too little money only to be stuck barely surviving and working really hard; this is not something that is for everyone. Some people are more developed spiritually and become extremely damaged when they are subjucated to heavy oppression and full time mind destroying labor. These people in other former societies would be healers and witch doctors that would be well-respected members of society, but in today's day and age where everything is run off of money, those type of people often fall through the cracks. All of the human race is actually part of one living tree of life; we are all branches and leaves on one giant human race tree, and to try to cut off the homeless is exactly cutting off branches of our own tree, and is hurtful to us as well although we may not even realize it. That is why it is extremely important to try to help the homeless and to respect them as people just like us who are just living in a different manner and under different circumstances that is not easy to eliminate under the current economic system that only seems to reward blind obedience. The homeless are part of our community as well, and the ones you are most likely to meet when you go outside into the meeting places of your town, so they should be treated with extra respect because they are the ones that are currently dealing with people who need help who come out into the meeting places of our town looking for help.

This page last updated 2/14/2020.