Environment Matters 8 Points of Necessity (scroll down below)

Environment Matters

8 Points of Necessity

1. Love

We should save as many people, animals, plants, natural resources, art, and elements of civilization as possible.

2. Climate Emergency

We must make radical transformations in our economy to make it more sustainable, because our current climate emergency threatens us with mass extinction from loss of food, water, habitat, and healthy ecosystems.

We must abandon fossil fuels, transform agriculture, and design products for reuse and recycle, and people will need to make substantial changes in their lifestyles, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ecological destruction that threatens us with mass extinction.

3. Mathematical Truth

There is a way to save as many people, animals, plants, natural resources, art, and elements of civilization as possible.

4. Law of Global Monetary Economy

Our society is trapped in an economy where we are all forced to figure out how to make more money. This goal is primary and other goals are secondary in this money-driven economy.

5. Failure to Prioritize Sustainability

We have seen for the last 50 years that by the laws of making money, we are making very little progress at sustainability, curbing greenhouse gas emissions, and protecting our natural resources as our collective primary directive from our economic system to make money keeps overriding and neutralizing these concerns.

6. Greenwashing Obscures Actual Results

There is a constant project in our economy to cover up our inability to address a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a real effort to total sustainability with “Greenwashing” which paints things in an unreal positive light, but we have gone more than 50 years promising a bright future for as many people, animals, and the planet as possible but not actually delivering positive results, just unreal future promises.

7. Necessity To Change Economy

The only way we can remove monetary gain as a primary focus so that goals set forth in #1-#3 can become primary is to change to a democratic socialist economy, because of the reasons set forth in #4-#6.

We keep getting stopped by our focus on money and we cannot make substantial progress until this artificial goal is removed.

A democratic socialist economy frees its people from the constraints of money and allows decisions to be made in the best interest of all of the people, animals, and planet.

For a democratic socialist economy to be totally realized it must have complete transparency and the people must all become participants and watchdogs in the decision-making process (hence the democratic part of it). If power becomes too centralized in the wrong hands, then it must be instantly changed to different hands with no delay of those who demonstrate true benefit to as many people, animals, plants, natural resources, art, and elements of civilization as possible in an indiscriminate manner.

It is not acceptable to say that democratic socialism can never work because right now as we see in #4 - #6 above, our current economic system is leading us to ruin and is not working either, so it is unproductive to say we are left with no alternative.

8. American Legacy

Americans must come to understand the 7 points before this and then they would be willing to consider democratic socialism. If they dissent, we should understand which of the 8 points they disagree with and what is their alternative.

When enough Americans agree, we should be able to make this change.