Poverty (scroll down below)

Environment Matters

Poverty is caused by the unequal distribution of wealth. It creates a very unhealthy situation where “poor” people end up gaining the most real-world experience and end up with very rich personalities, knowledge, and sense of purpose and self-worth at the expense of great pain, suffering, and hardship. Meanwhile, the “rich” people, especially if they grew up that way, grow up with very little sense of self worth or compassion for others and also with a paradoxical legacy of entitlement, that they are somehow better than the so-called “poor ” people, although their skill set is more in the realm of management and financial manipulations, and not so much in real-world or practical matters. That being said, I would say it is much harder to overcome an improper “rich” upbringing than to overcome an improper “poor” upbringing in order for a person to find happiness.

The most important very real problem with poverty that I see is that people who are genuinely in poverty are suffering a great deal, very miserable, and it makes them very irritable and unwilling to work together for the greater good when they can't see how any sort of group effort will help them personally when all the group efforts of the modern era have been rigged and gamed for the monetary profit of the ones who sit at the top of each group. In fact, our culture has gotten so bad in 2021 as to even assert regularly and often that it is common sense for each group that it is okay to be about money and it is okay for people who sit at the top of the group to reap the benefits to the detriment of those lower in the group by virtue that they formed or inherited this group and were there first, with no expected responsibility for anyone or anything outside of that group. This is the so-called “oppressor mentality”. A bonafide non-money mentality is very hard to come by in today's modern age.

Our modern times have a large and growing number of problems that need to be dealt with head on. Hampered by the fictional construction of money, which is just useless paper in itself, we are constantly having to solve problems in the context of money which ends up making any sort of real progress impossible because it adds way too many barriers to solving problems that require radical solutions with usually much more long-term benefits that are hard to quantify in terms of money.

To really solve poverty on the Earth would go a long way towards solving the rest of the problems because it would unleash the power of billions of people and their enthusiasm to really help the situation if they felt their needs were actually being taken care of and that they had stake in the fruits of our Earth.

This page last updated on 5/12/2021